A.M CARGO Company provides services to customers/ owners of the
goods and moves cargo to and from all over the world and is one of the
leading companies in this field. The company aims to the continual
improvement of it's Quality systems focus on internal and external
customers' satisfaction through high quality services; not only to meet
customers' requirements but also exceeds customers' expectations.
And to achieve that, A.M CARGO commits to:
1. Have a systematic approach to Quality Management that is
documented, implemented, maintained, and communicated to all
employees. This system conforms to ISO9001/2008 standards and other requirements.
2. Comply with all applicable legislation.
3. Efficient use of our resources.
4. Establish and review objectives of necessary to ensure continual
5. Train and enhance awareness of employees to increase their ability and efficiency and to improve performance quality.
6. Develop Local markets and open new markets to increase the company's sales.